Callahan's Karate | Family Martial Arts Center | Bedford MA

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March 2020 Character Development Message

Our Character Development Program theme for the month of March is CANI- Constant And Never-ending Improvement.
We’ve been talking with students about things they want to get better at and how they can do that. Some have shared they want to continue getting better at karate, get better at another sport like soccer or basketball, get better at reading and homework or get better at a musical instrument they play.
We’ve reminded them that they can always try their best and always improve at any of these things, even if they’ve been doing them for awhile. Instructors have shared things that they want to get better at as well and have shared things they’ve been doing for a long time that they still want to improve at like some of their karate forms. Some instructors have been doing certain forms for over 20 years and they never complain that they are bored of them or that they have perfected them. They know they can always get better and that the forms they learned as a white belt should look a lot better when they are black belts, mainly because of practice!
Another thing we will be mentioning is to always focus on your own improvement instead of comparing where you are at with someone else. Everyone is on a different journey, everyone has different strengths, skills, talents, interests and weaknesses! It’s important to remember this when trying to improve because often times people focus too much on getting better than someone else.
Really, you should focus on just getting better than yourself yesterday!
A favorite quote to remember this month- “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” #CANI #constantandneverendingimprovement #cdp #cdpmessage #matchat #characterdevelopment