April 2023 CDP: RESPECT
The CDP word of the month for April is Respect. Respect is the first thing we teach students about before starting their first lesson. As
The CDP word of the month for April is Respect. Respect is the first thing we teach students about before starting their first lesson. As
The CDP word of the month for March is Intensity. Intensity is a way to show strength,energy or feeling. It is an important element of
This month, our CDP message is Courage. Courage is the ability to try something even if it scares you. There are a lot of opportunities
Our CDP message for November is Gratitude. We like to talk about Gratitude leading up to Thanksgiving, reminding students to be thankful for everything they
For the last month of the year, our CDP message will be CANI, Constant And Never-ending Improvement. We believe that this saying is very important
This month, our Character Development Program (CDP) message is based on the words of Student Creed 2. This creed states, “I will develop self discipline
The message for the month of August is Perseverance! Perseverance is the ability to keep working towards something even if it’s challenging. It’s a very
This month, our CDP message will be the words of Student Creed 1. Every class,students recite these very important words, “I will develop myself in
The CDP message of the month for September is Courtesy. Courtesy is the act of being respectful, polite and considerate of others. Being a courteous
This month our CDP message is Teamwork. Teamwork is what makes Callahan’s Karate what it is. Our staff, students and families are always working together