This month, our CDP message is Focus! Focus is a thinking skill that allows you to bring your
attention and effort to something specific. Having focus means you are paying attention
despite distractions, which can help you finish a task without procrastinating. Focus is helpful
for school, work, completing household chores, karate and many other activities.
A great way to get better at focusing is to only do one thing at a time. If you are only doing
one thing at a time, it will be easier to focus all of your energy on that one thing to make it
the best it can be. Doing this can help you improve many areas of your life. If you want to
become more organized, focus on neatening up one area for 5 minutes with all of your
attention. If you want to read more, focus on reading for just 5 minutes while blocking out
other distractions.
Focus is an extremely important part of being a karate student. If you are focused in class,
you know what’s going on, you are able to listen to the details the teacher is explaining and
then you are able to make your karate moves the best they can be. Being a good listener
shows a lot of respect to the teacher and it shows that you are being aware of your
surroundings so that no one gets hurt.
FOCUS= Follow One Course Until Successful