This month, our CDP message of the month is CANI, which stands for Constant and Never-ending Improvement. This is one of our favorite sayings! We believe it is extremely important as karate students to always be open to learning and improving so we can continue to get better at our karate skills and anything else in our life that we care about. If we want to earn our next stripe, next belt, black belt or next level of black belt, we need to work hard in each and every class and try to get a little bit better each time we practice. We can do this by choosing one thing to focus on, like having better stances. Eventually with time, our stances will improve if we’ve put in the work and been open to feedback from instructors. Another important part of CANI is to make sure we only focus on our own personal progress and don’t worry about how fast or slow others around us improve. If we are putting in the work to make our stances better each and every class, it doesn’t matter what someone standing next to us in class is doing. We are only trying to improve ourselves and reach our goals and potential, not anyone else’s.